This story is a refreshing spin on both zombie flicks and westerns. The cast and crew put their heart into it…at least someone’s heart sprayed blood all over the people in the front row, which was greeted with applause.
— Indie Theatre Pick
Thanks to a cunning transposition of genre conventions, the Western-zombie mash-up “Death Valley,” written and fight directed by Adam Scott Mazer, comes off tighter than Dick’s hatband… “Death Valley” delivers the merciless body count essential to zombie tales, with Stephanie Cox-Williams’ agreeably putrid gore effects eliciting waves of groaning delight from the audience.
— Backstage Critic's Pick
Staged with verve and even a touch of menance.
— The New York Times
It’s messy and gory and bloody awesomeness in the heart of Bushwick. Death Valley… offers us a deliciously gruesome conglomeration of both the Western and Zombie genres mashed together in an entertaining night of theater.
— Off Off Online
The members of AntiMatter Collective are fantastic as both the living and undead.
— Flavorpill Editor Pick

A new play by Adam Scott Mazer
Directed by Dan Rogers
Set Design: Jon Cottle
Costume Design: Bevan Dunbar & Karen Boyer
Lighting Design: Alana Jacoby
FX: Stephanie Cox-Williams
Zombies: Alexandra Hellqvist
Sound Design: Will Fulton

Photos by Jess Olm